Truman G. Madsen (1926-2009) Husband, father, grandfather, and great-grandfather; faithful friend, confidant, and counselor; gifted writer and respected speaker, teacher, and scholar; inspired patriarch; tireless and articulate advocate of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. Thousands of people across the world, from students to scholars, from Latter-day Saints to respected leaders of other religious traditions, can attest to the influence of Truman G. Madsen in their lives. This site is dedicated to his life and works. It includes:
- A brief bio, and a timeline of important events in his life.
- A library of photos and documents from his life.
- A comprehensive list of his works, both published and unpublished. Current book and e-book titles.
- Audio and text versions of select talks and speeches.
- Access to video presentations he was part of.
- Bonus content (audio, photos, documents) via password login for purchasers of his biography.
- Facebook and Twitter links for excerpts from his biography, news about upcoming events and book signings, and to interact with the author of his biography.
- Information about the Gazelam Foundation that made possible many of his works.
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